More of Tracing…And One Actual Drawing

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So these pieces are some that I’ve had done for a while but haven’t had the chance to share.  I’m really pleased with the way they turned out, but I know I can do more to them now that I’m looking back on them.  This sparrow is one of the sparrows that my tattoo artist used to help him draw my tattoo so I thought it would be cool to try and trace something similar to what is now on my body.

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Now, I don’t think I’ll ever get a skull tattoo, but they are very popular among the tatted community so I thought it would be a good idea to try and trace one.  I went online to find a pic and it took me a while to find one I liked.  This one took a lot of shading to make it look right, but I’m pleased with it.

I showed my tattoo artist my tracings one night when I went up to hang out and he really liked them.  He told me how I could improve, and he even gave me a little assignment to do for the shop!  I’m super stoked about this, but this assignment is a very big challenge.  He wants me to draw a tattoo for a woman who wants the hand print of her baby boy on her ankle.  It will be a really cool tattoo but it’s going to be very hard to trace.  I’m really excited that I was able to connect to a professional though, which is kind of what our class was talking about in one of our discussions.

One more picture.

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I actually free handed this one.  What?!? It’s going to be my next tattoo, but I’m going to change to design in the heart.  Other than that, I’m absolutely in love with it and absolutely in love with this project.

3 thoughts on “More of Tracing…And One Actual Drawing

  1. It is great that you are connecting with professionals for this project! I love your artwork and you did a great job on your free-hand owl. I think this is the perfect 5-hour project for you! Keep up the great work.

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